Sat 13.01.2024 | 19:30 UHR
Dub Spencer & Trance Hill
Badehaus Berlin
Einlass 19:30
Beginn 20:30
Die Tour wird präsentiert von ByteFM.
Dub Spencer & Trance Hill have been in the music business for about 20 years and are still as hungry as a caterpillar in the leaf forest. Supposedly, the dub component has always dominated, no matter if it was mixed humorously intelligent with Christmas carols, spoken word or Italo western.
But the electronic, the psychedelic, the „trance“ always played an important role in the work of the Eu-rope-wide known Swiss band, which led live to sweaty shows of the special class.special class. Now, finally, this facet gets its due place on the new, twelfth long player of the quartet:“Imago Cells“ is the name of the album and marks a metamorphosis.
„Imago cells are responsible for a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. At first they have no function, are even blocked. But they manage to win the old cells for themselves and create new life: That served us asa starting point for the new record.“The analogy of imago cells is also used in revolutionary events: An old system has to be overcome so that something more beautiful can emerge. Now it’s not that Dub Spencer & Trance Hill want to over-come their dubby roots.
But it’s in the nature of the four Lucerne-based musicians to climb unknown branches, which is why they are exploring the „trance“ in their own band name for the first time. Masi Stalder (eb), Markus Meier (g) as well as Julian Dillier (dr) stay true to their instruments and leave drum machines or computers aside for the time being-only Philipp Greter (keys) has acquired a new, stately synthesizer collection. And yet the quartet plays music here that was previously reserved for their live gigs.
„The „trance“ in the band name stands for the electronic part of our sound. Although this has hardly ever appeared on a record occurred on a record, but it was always there-like the imago cells. We want to explore that now.“So out of the old comes the new, and so the dub merges with electronic dance music, or better: „trancemusic“? Tracks like „Trance Plane“, „Fugu“ or the curious-grandiose Oriental-5/4-piece „Dubai Market“are clearly in the sign of the up-tempo and invite to rave. Furthermore, the sound has become even more bassy and psychedelic, but without losing the organic touch. The four musicians went to the legendary Winterthur Hardstudios to hone the sound aesthetics