Sun 13.02.2022 | 20:00 UHR
Doors 20:00 / Show 20:30
Tickets: https://bit.ly/3KKPSXG
Support: Grimson
Boogarins’ Fernando “Dino” Almeida and Benke Ferraz began playing music together as teenagers in the central Brazilian city of Goiânia – creating psychedelic pop in their parents’ gardens, filtering their country’s rich musical history through a very modern lens. By the time the group’s home-recorded debut LP, ‘As Plantas Que Curam’ (2013), was released worldwide, the band had recruited a proper rhythm section and were developing a name around Goiânia. Soon after, the group was booking regular gigs in São Paulo and across the country. Ultimately, with glowing praise from critics abroad (Chicago Tribune #9 Album of 2013) and a growing international audience, 2014 saw Boogarins circling the globe continually – headlining clubs and playing festivals from Austin to London, Paris to Madrid, New York to San Francisco, Santiago to Mexico City, playing alongside many great artists around the world.
The band’s second album, ‘MANUAL’ (2015) — was nominated for a Latin Grammy (Best Rock Album, Portuguese Language) and was launched in London, inspiring MOJO Magazine to award the group its MOJO Rising distinction. The Spain-recorded tracks feature a solidified four-piece with bassist Raphael Vaz and drummer Hans Castro. Celebrated Brazilian drummer Ynaiã Benthroldo stepped in for the live duties and the four would eventually hole up in a house next to Austin’s SPACE studios for most of a summer, recording new material in between a several-week Austin club residency, East and West Coast US Tours, and Iberian Peninsula tour, as well as live broadcasts on KUTX, KEXP and NPR’s World Cafe.
While continuously touring and recording, highlighted by global festival appearances in Central Park, Lisbon’s Rock in Rio, São Paulo’s Lollapalooza and Vancouver’s LEVITATION, amongst others, 2017 ramped up the group’s recorded output with a snapshot of their increasingly intricate live performances on ‘Desvio Onírico – Live 2016’. The band then continued to dig in further just a few months later with the surprise EP drop ‘Lá Vem a Morte’, a dark and challenging investigation into emotional and sonic incongruity. The acclaimed new material carried the band — once again — across hemispheres, culminating in a breakthrough live appearance in their home country of Brazil at the world’s largest musical festival — Rock in Rio.
Alle allgemeinen Schutz- und Hygienevorschriften bzgl. der Eindämmung der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 werden eigehalten. Darüber hinaus wird die Veranstaltung als Sitzkonzert stattfinden und es gilt über die gesamte Veranstaltungsdauer und in der gesamten Veranstaltungsstätte die Pflicht zum tragen einer medizinischen Maske. Auch am Sitzplatz darf die Maske nicht abgenommen werden.
Zur Eindämmung der COVID-19-Pandemie verpflichtet sich der Veranstaltende zur Einhaltung der 2G+ Regel (Zutritt nur für Genesene und Geimpfte + Schnelltest oder Booster-Nachweis). Bitte bringen Sie einen der folgenden Nachweise in digitaler oder schriftlicher Form mit:
1) Nachweis über ein positives PCR-Testergebnis, das mindestens 28 Tage zurückliegt und nicht älter als 3 Monate ist + Nachweis über negatives Schnelltest-Ergebnis (nicht älter als 48h)
2) Ihren Impfnachweis mit Dokumentation des vollständigen Impfschutzes (mind. 14 Tage nach Gabe der zweiten Impfdosis) + Nachweis über negatives Schnelltest-Ergebnis (nicht älter als 48h)
3) Ihren Impfnachweis mit Dokumentation des vollständigen Impfschutzes + Auffrischungsimpfung (3. Impfung bzw. „Booster-Impfung“)
All general protection and hygiene regulations regarding the containment of the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are observed.
In addition, the event will take place as a seated concert and it is mandatory to wear a medical mask for the entire duration of the event and in the entire venue. The mask must not be removed at the seat either.
In order to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizer undertakes to comply with the 2G+ rule (access only for those who have recovered and those who have been vaccinated + rapid test or proof of booster). Please bring one of the following proofs with you in digital or written form:
1) Proof of a positive PCR test result that is at least 28 days in the past and not older than 3 months + proof of a negative rapid test result (not older than 48 hours)
2) Your proof of vaccination with documentation of complete vaccination protection (at least 14 days after administration of the second vaccination dose) + proof of negative rapid test result (not older than 48 hours)
3) Your vaccination certificate with documentation of the complete vaccination protection + booster vaccination (3rd vaccination)