Mo. 14.02.2022 | 19:00 UHR
Abgesagt: Juniore
Das Konzert wurde leider abgesagt.
„To our wonderful fans,
It has been an unbelievably tricky year, and we find ourselves in a very different place to where we thought we would be.
The plan was to have a new album recorded, and be releasing new music ahead of our 2022 tour dates but due to CO-VID we have not been able to be in the studio safely. In addition all funding / grants for French musicians has now been stopped, therefore do not have the financial support that we thought we would have to make this tour happen. It is with an incredibly heavy heart that we have had to take the decision to cancel our Feb 2022 EU tour with the exception of Anderlecht. The UK tour will still go ahead in March.
We know that this tour has been through multiple reschedules, venue changes etc. and we are so thankful that you have held on to your tickets for this long to continue to support us, and our music. It has been such a long time now that we don’t feel rescheduling AGAIN would be appropriate until we have a better idea of when we will have new music, but please rest assured we will be back celebrating with you just as soon as we can.
Lots of love, Juniore”