Sa. 29.08.2020 | 21:00 UHR
It’s Lit!-BadeHaus Edition
FB-EVENTWe’re getting dirty in the Bath House! Socially distanced, and totally hilarious. Safety First! The event will be outdoors if weather allows.
These comedians go all out for your laughter! It’s the most fun you can have with your clothes on!
Join the Berlin Comedy Party featuring Stand Up, Improv, and Games!
Tired of the same comedians doing the same material? So are we! “It’s Lit!” is an experimental comedy show where comedians try to perform under 2 different states of consciousness. Will they succeed? Will they fail? Who knows, but one this is certain. You Will Laugh.
First they perform sober, then they perform LIT!
It’s a Highlarious night you’ll wish you could remember!
Free to get in, donations to leave
More about the show:
„How long is the show?“
The show is about 90 minutes long.
„All the reservations are taken, can I still get a seat?“
Of course! Not everyone with a reservation shows up. Berliners are busy and plans change all the time. We recommend that you get to the venue early and put your stuff on a chair (traditional German reservation system).
„What happens if I don’t get a seat?“
We are located in the heart of Boxhagener Platz. There are plenty of bars and restaurants around. Find someplace cool to chill and come earlier next week.
„Is smoking allowed?“
Smoking is not allowed inside the bar
„What time does the show actually start?“
It depends. We open the doors around 9pm. If the room is full by 9:10, then we will start then. We start at 9:30pm at the latest.
„Why does the ad say 9pm then?“
It’s better for people to come early so they have time to get their seats, grab a drink, have a smoke and play the game.
„How long will you hold my seat?“
Reservations are honored until 15 minutes before the shows listed start time. So tickets for a 9pm show are good until 8:45pm. After that the seats are first come first served.
„What is the game?“
We pass out pens and paper for you to write down a question. Ask whatever you want. It is always best if it is a real question, because real answers are the funniest. The funniest question, or the question that initiates the best response, will receive a token that is good for 1 drink at the bar or 3 euros off of a long drink.
„Do I have to play the game?“
Of course not! Sometimes you just want to sit back and chill. We understand.