Mo 26.04.2021 | 19:00 UHR

VERLEGT: Flyying Colours



Das Konzert wurde auf den 23.4.2022 ins Zukunft am Ostkreuz verlegt.

dq agency, ListenAgency & ASK HELMUT präsentieren:
Flyying Colours (Melbourne, AUS)


Tickets: (print@home & Mobile Ticket)
Vorverkauf: 14€ (zzgl. Gebühren) • Abendkasse: 18€
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr • Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

A dense swirl of multilayered and orchestral swathes of guitar, a sonic cathedral where influences both sacred and profane meet to confect a divine offering that is formed of a particular type of musical alchemy. This is the higher plane where Flyying Colours exist.

Taking form in Melbourne as the 2010’s drew towards their denouement, Flyying Colours have built their dense but intricate musical DNA around the interlocking guitar play and vocal symbiosis of Brodie J Brummer and Gemma O’Connor. Flagbearers of Australia’s world renowned shoegaze scene, the four piece may on initial encounter appear to take cues from seminal influences such as My Bloody Valentine and RIDE.

However, as their sound has developed over the course of two acclaimed EPs and album release, they’ve incubated what can only be described as their own Australian blast of howling yet delicate noise; a multilayered sensory overload underscored with the delicate filagree of Brummer and O’Connor’s ethereal boy/girl call and response vocals.

With an album in the can that delivers on the promise many industry tastemakers have so widely tipped, 2020 sees Flyying Colours set to take their swooning crescendos of iridescent rapture to wider audiences both at home and overseas.