Do. 08.10.2020 | 19:30 UHR
Berlin Spoken Word – Hope
FB-EVENTBerlin Spoken Word – Hope
Berlin Spoken Word is still here!
We are moving to a new semi-outdoor venue for the summer that will allow for responsible social distancing. We look forward to seeing both new and familiar faces after this long break.
Please reserve a seat via message or email berlinspokenword@gmail.com to claim a spot as space is limited. If you rsvp and can’t make it, please let us know as well! Please make clear in your message if you wish to perform or just listen.
We accept an entrance donation at the door on the night.
Berlin Spoken Word open mic invites but is not limited to: spoken word, prose, lyric, poetry, storytelling, acoustic song, rap.
Performance Guidelines:
Performances up to 5 MINUTES.
No racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, beliefism, classism, ableism, further -isms or hate speech that support and perpetuate power structures of oppression
The theme is suggested but not mandatory.
See you there!