So. 06.03.2022 | 19:00 UHR
A Live Jazz Band Playing Missy Elliott
BackTracked are a Berlin-based jazz collective that play live compositions inspired by famous hip-hop artists. After a series of sell out shows across Berlin, Manchester and Liverpool, the band are performing their first mini tour across the U.K and Europe paying homage to one of hip hop’s most acclaimed artists Missy Elliot.
The trio reinterpret hip hop classics in their own style, blending original samples with complex chords and blue notes. BackTracked have curated a unique sound, enticing their audience to rap, sing and skank along to.
Having studied at the Jazz Institute Berlin; Matt Shapiro (keys), Hiromu Seifert (drums) and Paul Breiting (bass) – have worked tirelessly writing, arranging and refining this set, creating a rich and nostalgic sound.
NTS Radio Host and Artist Sameed will play the finest cuts (jazz, soul, funk and disco) from his catalog of records celebrated on his show.
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