Thu 25.11.2021 | 19:00 UHR
Ponte Pilas
**Die Veranstaltung wird unter Einhaltung der 2G-Regelungen stattfinden.**
„So It Goes“ EP Release Show
Support: The Weakest
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr // Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ponte Pilas make their long anticipated return to Berlin´s live scene with what will be a memorable night at Badehaus. Celebrating the release of their E.P. „So It Goes“, the band will be making the most of having a capacity crowd for the first time since early 2020. After over a year and a half of waiting, Ponte Pilas will be sure to deliver their usual dose of ecstatic rock´n´roll and them some.
The band made the decision to record live in order to capture the energy and drive that has made them such a fixture on the Berlin gig scene. In these recordings, the band´s blend of classic rock influences, such as the Beach Boys and Rolling Stones, with contemporary groups like The Hives and Black Midi reached its apotheosis. So It Goes represents the outcome of years of playing and growing together as well as a willingness to engage with and fight for causes the band believe in.
Enlisting mixing engineer Andy Baldwin (Oasis, The Who, Björk) and mastering engineer Mandy Parnell (Black Saloon Studios), the band have produced an E.P. that crams a great deal of musicality, introspection and heart into just six songs. A whirlwind experience for listeners, the themes explored reward repeated listens and aim to inspire hope and change, as well as a bloody good time.
For what is rock´n ŕoll if not a bloody good time?
Buy early to pick up one of the hottest tickets in town.
**Die Veranstaltung wird unter Einhaltung der 2G-Regelungen stattfinden.
Besucher*Innen müssen für den Einlass folgende Nachweise vorlegen:
einen vollständigen, digitalen, lesbaren Impfschutzschnachweis (QR-Code) + einen amtlichen Lichtbildausweis
den Nachweis vollständig genesen zu sein (die positive Testung via PCR-Test muss in den vergangenen 28 Tagen bis 6 Monaten erfolgt sein) + einen amtlichen Lichtbildausweis
Des Weiteren werden, aufgrund der Pflicht zur Sicherstellung der Kontaktnachverfolgung, die Kontaktdaten sämtlicher Besucher*Innen erfasst.
Dies erfolgt über das Einchecken im Event via Luca-App oder Corona-App oder alternativ über das Ausfüllen eines entsprechenden Kontaktformulars vor Ort.**