Mo. 01.05.2023 | 20:00 UHR
TuneUP:Session 1st of May *Special
Badehaus Berlin
Die TuneUP Session – the legendary 100 % all style Jam- since 2002 jamming Berlin City!
Join the 1st of May Special Jam Rumble and meet other music aficionados. Its going to be a Happening.
Life is Jam – Go Play.
*** Neue Startzeit : 20.00h (!!)***
♪♫ 20.00h: Doors + warm up DJ
♫♪ 21.00h Opener: TuneUP Sound Collective feat. Special Guest (tba)
(- TuneUP is an offspring of Berlins vibrant Underground Szene founded in 2001. The TuneUP Sound Collective is full Impro Band fueled by various styles ranging from classic Soul/Rock/Fusion/Dub Influences to Berlins electronic club scene sounds. Usually people think its a „set“ when they improvise. This flexibility makes them fit in various Settings )
♫♪ ca. 22.00h OpenStage – Jamsession
♫♪ afterjam DJ Spoonman @2nd Floor
Full Backline / Audio Engineer Szenario- just bring your instrument.
Maltisch / Infotisch von Hans Couto
Revaler Strasse 99
Zugang: Simon Dach Strasse