Sa. 09.03.2024 | 23:00 UHR
1982 – Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns
Badehaus Berlin
Doors: 11:00pm
Join us for the twentieth night of blasphemy and debauchery at 1982 – Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns!
Expect a wild mix of old and new goth, punk, post-punk and wave related music. We will spin passionate, energetic and danceable tunes away from the usual overplayed hits and dive into the depth of the music underground. You’ll be able to dance to stuff you always wanted to but never had the opportunity elsewhere.
(Check out our page for more impressions of what music to expect. We frequently post music there.)
– Ankou Morgue (1982)
– Passionate Bones (1982)
– Special Guest: Nina Door (MiniCave, Münster)
Two rules: No overplayed hits! No Techno!
The party will be open end. As long as the bar is going well and we have a crowd left we can keep going until we drop!